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【实习】英特尔亚太研发有限公司—Facility Capacity Modeling Intern
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楼主 发表于  2015/11/19 16:06:17    编 辑   

A. Responsibilities are: to work on the Assembly Test (AT) facility POC (Point of Connection) management and site infrastructure capacity modeling automation model using FaSTr (Facility System Tracker, a web based facility management tool). Details as below:
-FaSTr POC (Point of Connection) database clean-up for Chengdu (including the POC field verification if required)
-Set up the Assembly Test factory (Chengdu, Malaysia, Vietnam) facility capacity modeling automation model and perform the quarterly Chengdu, Malaysia and Vietnam Assembly Test factory facility capacity forecast analysis using FaSTr
B. Perform regular audit of the POC database (FaSTr and Excel Panel Schedule) for Chengdu Assembly Test Factory
A. Required Qualifications
-2nd year or 3rd year of college students or 1st year post-graduate who can on site work at least 3 work days each week
-Major in mechanical engineering, chemical/ process engineering/Automation
-Fluent in spoken and written English
-Must be proficient in general computer knowledge, fluent in Auto CAD drawing, Microsoft Office
-Must possess the following strengths: high energy, effective communicator; team worker
B. Preferred Qualifications
-A true desire to understand and anticipate the needs of others in a fast paced environment
-Candidates should be extremely innovative, detail oriented, organized and disciplined to deliver the deliverable
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